Whitewashed wood floors are an extremely popular choice. When you restore wood floors you have the opportunity to be creative. While some may take this opportunity, others feel more comfortable with other, more traditional wood finishes.

Sanding Pine Floors Preston Refinishing wood floors PrestonYou are able to select the tone of white that you wish to achieve. This is essentially managed by adding more or less water in comparison to your chosen white wood finish. You can mix one-part water to two parts product. However, if you wish for the wash to be heavier, you will then use one-part water to three parts finish.

Whitewashed wood flooring is a great way of lightening a space and gives it a whole new lease of life. Whitewashed floors bring character to a room and, if done correctly create a long-lasting statement.

This is a project that we completed in Preston. The entire pine floor needed to be sanded and restored prior to the finish products being applied. It is important that once you have accomplished the whitewashed look you wish to achieve that you finish it with a product to seal and protect the floor. In this case a lacquer was used in order to produce the exact look our clients wanted. Whitewashing wood floors Preston

Some prefer a washed finish rather than a painted finish for the character it brings. You are still able to see the wood grain through the finish. There are other benefits to washing the floor, rather than painting it. A flat white floor will likely scratch and show imperfections quite quickly. Chips will be easily visible and can be unsightly if furniture is moved regularly within the room.

Make Your Choice

Either way it is important to make the choice based around your preferences. Whitewashed wood floors or not, we are happy discuss all options available for you. We will offer advice where we feel necessary. If you would like to arrange a quotation, please call today on 0800 852 7188.