Refinishing Pine Floors LancashireMuch of the information and advice that we offer is around wood finishes. There are many options available for you to select the best wood finish for your wood floors. Most of our clients have an image of what they’d like their refinished floor to look like. Others find it a challenge to select a finish.

It is our responsibility to ensure that our clients feel supported in their selection. Once the wood finish is applied, it is vital that our clients feel confident with their selection. It is true to say that there are some finishes that are more popular than others. On the other hand, there are some finishes that are very rarely selected.

This is a wood restoration project we completed in Lancashire. During the quotation process our client stated they would like a vivid blue wood finish. You may or may not know that there is a wood colour or finish for absolutely every possibility. We were happy to confirm that we were able to support this request.

Did you know there are also bespoke alternatives available?

These images show how the floor was transformed from bland, unsightly and worn to vibrant and striking.

Commercial Floor Sanders LancashireBlue Wood Finishes Lancashire

To achieve this look, it is vital that all old coatings are fully removed. The floor sanding process ensures this as layers are removed. The floor is then taken back to its most natural state. This is then prepared for the application of the coloured wood finish.

Applying a finish product requires a careful approach. It is important that it is applied evenly. If this is not achieved the floor will look patchy and uneven. Not a great look! Experience is therefore vital to the overall success.

A blue wood floor may not be to everyone’s taste, but it is often great to see what is achievable. We are floor sanding professionals, offering services for domestic and commercial properties. Call today on 0800 852 7188.