Any wood restoration project requires a tailored approach. Each job has individual intricacies that need to be reflected in your approach. Although the restoration process generally follows the same course, there are no two floors exactly the same.

What are examples of this?

  • Loose boards that may need re-fixing or even replacing
  • Severely damaged areas, whether large or small
  • Dull areas near entrance ways
  • Scratches, dents or imperfections

Wood Floor Sanding PrestonOld wood finishes and coatings may have discoloured over their lifespan. It is therefore really important that all areas of concern are carefully considered prior to any work commencing. This is where experience really does make a difference.

We were asked to restore this wooden parquet floor in Preston. Overall the wood finish needed stripping, however there were ill-fixed parquet boards. Without our close attention, these would eventually work their way free and cause issues for the home owner.

Loose boards need to be removed, treated appropriately and re-laid. An important element of this process is to ensure that when the blocks are replaced that they fit flush with the existing other boards. No adhesive should show through the joints. All products should be carefully selected to ensure longevity of the restoration.

wood floor sanding Lancashire Parquest Restoration PrestonWhen visiting to quote for this project, the real potential of the job became evident quickly. Our wood floor restoration process completely transformed the entrance way from a dull and worn space to that of great pride.

The entrance of your home should provide a statement and this wooden floor did exactly that once restoration had taken place. As part of a larger home restoration project, this wood floor now gives a welcoming presentation. The wood finish used is long-lasting and all loose boards were appropriately removed, replaced and fit seamlessly with the remaining boards.

Are you considering parquet restoration? Does your wood floor need sanding? Call 1 Stop Floor Care on 0800 852 7188 to request a floor sanding quotation.