Refinishing commercial wood floors is incredibly rewarding. Every project that we complete offers great reward. However, due to the sheer size of our commercial projects, the results seem to be amplified.

Wood floor restoration of historical buildings add another element of impact. This is something that never gets old with each wood restoration project we complete. Why is this? We would consider it to be because of our passion for what we do. Having the machinery, tools and products is a start. However, passion drives us forward to produce beautifully refinished wood floors.

Refinishing Wood Floors in Armley Library

We were recently asked to complete this parquet floor restoration project in Armley Library, Leeds. Our commercial projects do tend to take us further afield. We are well-equipped to deal with large projects and invest heavily in the best machinery to complete the work.

Let’s talk wood repairs. Wood repairs for any project takes a lot of time. This is magnified when completing a parquet restoration project. This is just down to the sheer number of individual boards. Check each board to complete the preparation process.

If boards are loose, they need to be refixed. If this does not happen, they can lift during the sanding process. This can either damage the wood board, causing the need for replacement or they can damage your machinery. Neither is something that you would want to experience.

If boards are damaged beyond repair, they need to be replaced. The process of replacement is an important one. You need to carefully select boards that match the type, shape and thickness of your existing boards. Taking time to match these carefully will offer a better finish to your floor. Poorly matched alternatives will stand out like a sore thumb.

If you would like to find out more about refinishing commercial wood floors or would like a quote, please call today on 0800 852 7188 / 07714 439813.

Parquet floor restoration Leeds
Parquet floor restoration Leeds
Parquet floor restoration Leeds
Parquet floor restoration Leeds
Parquet floor restoration Leeds
Parquet floor restoration Leeds